Thursday, October 20, 2011

Supersize Me

I think that Morgan Spurlock’s experiment to see what McDonalds would do to your body image and health over the course of a month was a great idea. I think that it was a good idea that he carried out this experiment because it showed Americans what McDonalds and fast food would do to your body if you ate it for a month straight. I think that his experiment directly identifies the problem with fast food making Americans obese because it shows Americans that eating too much of fast food and not getting any exercise really wear down on your body. Throughout the movie we see Spurlock throwing up from all the fast food and we see his cholesterol levels rising very quickly. I think that he treated the issue fairly too because to get the point out to the country not to eat so much fast food he had to directly show them what would happen if you do. The part of supersize me that I found most effective was the final body image of Spurlock after his 1 month eating binge of McDonalds was over. To see how much fatter he had gotten was awful and it taught me to not eat fast food all the time.

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