Tuesday, October 4, 2011

10 years later

Since 9-11 happened 10 years ago I do not remember many of the events that happened during that tragic day in American history. I have gone throughout my life not thinking about the events that happened on that day because I know if I think about them they could possibly interfere with my life and give me a false mindset on what may happen in the future. I do not let these events get to me and I don’t try to think about them because they could prevent me from doing such things as riding on an airplane and going in skyscrapers. This year I did watch a bit of the anniversary and it was one of the few times that I got to see the images and videos of the world trade center collapsing. I am glad that I was only in 2nd grade when this happened because I think if I was older it would have affected me much more.
I agree with my other group members, I don’t think our culture has changed too much. The airline security and building security have become more picky and strict but other than that I think that America goes about its day as it usually does. Watching “On Native Soil “made me angry because I saw how poor the airline security was and how poorly the government dealt with the situation.

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