Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I'm Tired! I'm Tired! I'm Tired

High School classes should start later. 7:30 is just plain stupid. Why are the student who need the most sleep getting the least. The average high school student sleeps around 7 hours a night, and that is 2 hours below the average needed to succeed in high school. And to those who say that we can just go to be earlier, you cant really fall asleep at 9 pm, people simply arent tired yet. I have to get up at 6 to get ready and get myself set for the school day. Some of my friends have to get up at 5 or even 4 in the morning to catch the bus or go to swim practice. That's insane! Instead of starting before middleschool, at 7:30, we should start after elementary school at 9. School days would run 9 to 4 or something around that time area. Students would be able to sleep in and get a decent night's sleep. Extra curriculars wouldnt be a problem because the students would be able to stay up later. Even if this isnt a viable solution, the current model won't work. People in the first two hours look like zombies, and there is absolutely no enthusiasm. People with core classes in first hour simply cannot fuction well, and they are at a severe disadvantage to those at later hours.

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