Thursday, November 17, 2011

Video Essay Debreif A.K.A-final blog

I think that the 4 video essays that we watched yesterday were very insightful and interesting. All of the groups looked like they put a lot of work into their projects and were very passionate about their topic. One of the groups actually showed us why their rule about tardiness needs to be changed. They had Brad walk the length of the school at a steady pace and they recorded how long it took him. By the time he got to his class it was about 10 seconds past the 8 minute passing time. This really showed us that there is not enough time to get in between classes without being late. I also liked how the group that wanted to lower the drinking age used popular music to enhance the atmosphere of the video and to persuade us. I think that our group did a really good job on showing the side effects of getting less sleep a night. By showing side affects like acne, and a bad immune system, I think we persuaded the people in the audience to change the school start time. I think that the most effective way of persuading the audience was by personally telling people the downfalls of the subject if you don’t change it. I also think that the interviews of different students in the school were really effective because it showed us all what the kids in the school think. I think by interviewing people in our videos it related our documentaries to the one in “Supersize Me”. Spurlock went around New York asking people how much fast food they eat a week. We used this technique and asked kids how much sleep they got each week. Overall I think that these projects were a very good way of incorporating what we learned throughout the trimester into a video, and they were a good way to express our opinions on the topics we chose.

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