Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Martyr For a Cause

Poor McMurphy and Luke, two troublemakers who really didn't deserve their fates. I really emphathized with McMurphy, and he didn't deserve the icepick. Nor did Luke deserve getting shot out of the blue. No warning and he even tried to surrender, but the main boss shot him down anyway. Despite their unfair demises, both men died for a cause. They gave hope to their fellow ward/inmates. Both represented an ideal that everyone else was afraid to go along with. They went against logic and authority just to mess with the system and get some laughs along the way. Society can be cruel sometimes, and it takes a few people to sacrifice themselves to cause change. People had to die for medical wards to be reformed and people had to die for prisons to be changed. It is unfortunate that these two likable characters had to die for changes that really should have been the initial model. I feel bad for McMurphy and Luke, and I wish there would have been a happy ending to both stories, but happy endings aren't always ment to be, and atleast they went out with a bang and they will be remembered for the good they brought to their friends. RIP McMurphy and Cool Hand Luke

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