Thursday, November 17, 2011

Many groups used many different and useful techniques to make their messages into their video essays. In my group we went around the school interviewing students and teachers about what time school should start, and how many hours of sleep they get. We also did much research on the computer and look for other schools starting times, and how many hours students need to fully be awake and active throughout the day. Our group also included part of a music video as one of our techniques. Some other groups actually did experiments how long it takes them to get from one side of the school to their car, then back to the other side of the school. Some elements that I found most effective were the videos with experiments and interviews. Interviews shows points of view from many different people not just a couple, but from people around the school, including staff members. Experiments actually showed how this data can result in something bad, and how you can fix this. In “supersize me” a movie that we had watched over this trimester, he did an experiment to show how bad fast food is for you when you eat it every day for one month. The actor of “Supersize Me’ was Morgan Spurlock. Over the month he gain 30 pounds and increased heart disease. This experiment shows what can happen to you and shows results.

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