Thursday, September 22, 2011

The years to come...

I agree with Lucas and Sydney. I think that the only way that people are going to be able to become successful in the future will to be familiar with technology. If social networking websites are already booming in today’s world, think of how prevalent they will be in the future. In order to be successful in the job field you choose to have in the future, whether it is in the medical field, the business field, or the teaching field you will need to know how to use a computer to the fullest of its ability. The world will not stop progressing in terms of technology so it is essential that we keep up with it and educate ourselves about it. In the future I believe that computers will be able to run almost anything in the job field, this will help out nation succeed even more because we will be able to be more efficient and advanced. I think that if technology does not keep advancing yearly our nation could be headed toward a downfall, that is how important technology is in our lives.

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