Thursday, September 22, 2011

Michael Moore video

I first want to start off saying that I am a moderate conservative. I did support bush when he was in office as president. Now, I didn’t support every little thing he did, but overall it think that he did a good job in office. What most people don’t understand is how stressful the job running a whole country is. It wears down on you physically, mentally, and emotionally. I think that Michael Moore took this documentary/video essay he made way too far. I think that he was basically trying to destroy George W bush’s career in office and he was trying to make the public despise him and all other republicans that were running for office. I think that Moore portrayed the events of 9/11 and how George bush handled them wrong to the public. He said that bush was just reading to children even though he knew that national icons were being attacked. I am positive that even though George bush wasn’t in New York he was trying to handle the situation as best as he could. Moore’s video is an uncalled for attack on the former president.

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